5 Salon Trends You’ll Be Seeing a Lot of in 2024

Looking for the newest trends in the ever-evolving world of salons?

The salon industry is constantly changing. And as things like technology, sustainability, and elevated customer experiences continue to take hold, it’s become more important than ever to stay on top of salon trends and shape your business accordingly. 

Here are five of the latest beauty salon trends we’re seeing in 2024, all of which should be top of mind as you scale and innovate your operations. 

2024 Beauty Salon Industry Trends You Need to Know

Beauty Salon Industry Trends

You can’t predict the future, but you can look to leading industry trends for some helpful insight on what’s driving salon success in 2024. 

1. Upscale Guest Experiences

The goal has always been to provide your customers with an exceptional experience. What’s different now? With more access to information, customers have higher expectations for their salon visits – and more means of boosting your business if they’re impressed with what they get. 

Hot tip: Personalize the guest experience whenever possible. Some ways to do it include keeping notes about a guest’s style preferences, sending friendly appointment reminders, and letting guests sample services you think they might enjoy. 

2. Digital Takeovers

A basic salon website just isn’t going to cut it anymore. With the rise of artificial intelligence, salons need to implement more automation into the mix in order to compete, as well as offer more (and better) digital experiences to their guests. 

Hot tip: Install an AI chatbot on your website so guests can ask questions and schedule appointments at their leisure. And if you haven’t already, build out an e-commerce store on your site and expand your product sales beyond in-store purchases. 

3. Rewarding Loyalty

Punch cards are so 2010s. In 2024 and beyond, salons are creating more comprehensive programs that incentivize customer loyalty and reward those who frequent the business and spread the word to others. 

Hot tip: In addition to incremental rewards, offer a sign-up bonus to get people engaged from the get-go in your loyalty program. A free gift or service are both great ways to increase interest in the program and get more customers on board.  

4. Eco-Consciousness

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword. Salons need to be upping the game when it comes to their eco-focus, making sure that guests have easy access to organic, cruelty-free, and non-toxic products and services. 

Hot tip: Ditch the plastic water bottles for branded reusables that guests can keep. You’ll be doing your part for the planet while also staying top of mind with your clientele. 

5. Virtual Consultations

We’re seeing a huge rise in salons engaging virtually with their clients. This includes virtual consultations that allow customers to get professional advice on their own time, regardless of where they’re located. 

Hot tip: Create a seamless process from virtual consult to appointment by being sure to schedule clients with the same stylist they did their consultation with and setting down a few reminders about what was discussed. 

Beauty Salon Trends Meet Timeless Design

Running a successful salon is all about finding a balance between adopting new trends and sticking with what works. This is particularly true in terms of your space itself, since it’s not realistic to do yearly redesigns just to keep up with what you’re seeing on Instagram. 

Shop DIR Salon UK to find a huge selection of timeless salon furniture, including salon and beauty equipment, reception area furniture, medical and cosmetic furniture, and more. And for personal guidance, visit a DIR Salon showroom in London, Birmingham, or New York.